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COPD Article Two

Effect of inhaling energised air on COPD and pulmonary emphysema:

Prof. Klaus Jung, University of Mainz

The body’s cells all rely on a constant supply of oxygen. The following factors all play a major part in this process: oxygen content of inhaled air, functional efficiency of the respiratory tract, capacity for diffusing oxygen from the alveoli into the vascular system, transportation via an intact vascular system and an adequate number of fully functioning erythrocytes, orderly transfer of oxygen from the capillaries into the tissue, permeable interstice, unimpaired absorption into the individual cells, onward transportation into an adequate number of fully functioning mitochondria as well as optimum enzyme capacity for aerobic metabolism.

Disruption is possible in many places. In the case of pulmonary emphysema the problem lies mainly in the inadequate capacity for diffusing oxygen from the alveoli into the vascular system. In chronic bronchitis this is compounded by inflammation and constriction and even obstruction of the bronchioles and bronchi. The complete picture of COPD is characterised by the additional production and inability to or difficulty in coughing up viscid mucus and increasing shortness of breath (oxygen deficiency).

So there is not a shortage of oxygen in the inhaled air, rather the oxygen is not reaching its target (mitochondria).

Inhaling energised air (via The Spirovital Therapy) reduces this deficit and removes the problem at least to a certain extent.  By briefly activating the inhaled air before it enters the respiratory tract, the molecular oxygen in the ambient air, which is actually inert, is activated (by the production of singlet oxygen, a stimulated but non-radicalised form). This active state lasts only fractions of a second. The activated oxygen reverts to its original (normal) state even before the air is inhaled. As a result, the energy previously absorbed is released again and given off to the surrounding water through which the inhaled air is directed. Inhaling atmospheric oxygen also supplies the respiratory tract with energised water due to the inhaled air being saturated with water vapour and this leads to the desired improved oxygen utilisation.

This transfer of energy through water vapour leads firstly to an increase in the erythrocytes of 2,3–diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), an important catalyst of the intermolecular phosphate group make-up in the conversion of 3-PG into 2-PG, an important step in anaerobic alactacid energy production by the erythrocytes. The concentration of 2,3-DPG is generally low. Inhaling energised air can be seen to increase it significantly. As a result 3-PG can be transformed more quickly into 2-PG, in turn accelerating the transition from 1,3-DPG into 3-PG while, at the same time, increasing production of ATP with the result that the oxygen binding curve is shifted to the right. This increases the pO2, at the same O2 saturation or, at lower O2 saturation, the pO2 remains constant. This means that increased oxygen is given off into the atmosphere, equivalent to a possible improvement in the utilisation of oxygen, which also manifests itself in a rise in AVDO2. This mechanism appears to explain the observation that, despite minimal diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the vascular system, an adequate oxygen supply can delivered to the individual organ systems by inhaling energised air.

A second important effect of inhaling energised air is the increase in immunocompetence. This is caused, firstly, by increased activity of the white blood count, reduced tendency to inflammation and decrease in oxidative stress. Secondly, inhaling energised air (singlet oxygen) has been shown to lead to quenching of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and to a reduction in O2 radical production. Irreversible damage to amino acids in the human body caused by atmospheric nitrate radicals is regarded by experts as the potential cause of respiratory disease.

Further attempts at explanation could be added to the above accounts but will be deliberately withheld as, so far, these are largely theoretical arguments which require experimental validation by means of clinical trials.


Respiratory diseases, especially bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and COPD, are some of the most common disorders of all. Genetic predisposition plays a minor part; smoking and exposure to environmental toxins are the principal factors behind their development. These conditions cannot be cured (?), however the symptoms can possibly be alleviated. The main symptoms are increasing shortage of breath and increasing production of viscid mucus which is very difficult to cough up. Energised air inhalation can apparently be employed, in addition to other therapeutic measures, to successfully treat both symptoms, firstly by improving utilisation of the (inadequate amount of) oxygen reaching the cells and secondly by aiding immunocompetence (quenching O2 radicals, preventing colds and suppressing inflammation). This is demonstrated by numerous individual accounts from those affected as well as their therapists.

Prof. Klaus Jung

FB 26, Mainz University